
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Whose Border Do You Love More?

The USA is helping Israel, Ukraine, and all of Western Europe to live in secure borders. But the Biden administration is ignoring the US Border security, and even helping foreigners to break U.S. laws.
Plus, the nation is facing severe unrest in this election year.
And then there's so much more in the news, including Oklahoma headlining nation news stories.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Iran War Mongering

Iran entered the weekend with serious threats of war. 
Oil prices spiked even before the Iranian pirates commandeered a tanker which was partly owned by an Israeli shipping company.
We went to record this episode just prior to hundreds of missiles and drones being launched to attack Israel.
But we covered several other news items, as well.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Recognizing Legends In Real Time

We're often unable to see the legends when they're making history. And often it's because lesser men cannot tolerate for themselves to look pathetic, by contrast.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Kariem Haqq & The Free Black Man

Economist, Kariem Haqq joins us to discuss the academic works in his multiple books. He shares a message of emancipation for all, especially for his fellow Black Americans.
But his message is as much about economic liberty as it is political liberty.
Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Oklahoma Education Leadership

Tulsa School board member, Elena Ashley returns with an update on the process of reforming TPS and public education. 
Joining Elena is Maria Seidler, an attorney for parental rights and student safety.
Maria is also a candidate for an open seat on the Metro School Board in Tulsa.

Catch all our shows at www.FreshBlack.Coffee
Watch the video on our YouTube channel, Facebook, website, or with your podcasting app. 
  We record the show every Saturday and release it later the same day.
Jeff Davis commentary appears courtesy of
